Tag Archive: Cold water

New Video!

It’s been a long time since I made a new video! This one is a bit of a humorous event from one of my first experiences with a GoPro camera mounted to my head. Enjoy!

Ahhh. Good times at Bamfield! Stay posted for a friday post!

Picture Update!

Painted Greenling

Well, it took some doing, (namely because a particular crab was poorly pictured in all of the books I have), but everything has been identified and posted! This update brings some new faces to the archive, and some new takes on old ones! I’m currently scouring through my photo archives (now that the laptop is back online!), so be on the look out for more picture updates in the near future. There should also be some new wallpapers soon as I come to grips with the new art program I’m battling with. It’s been quite a weekend, between the customization of the blog appearance, identifying new pictures and so on, but I hope you enjoy the new photos:

New to Cold Sub Aqua Photographs:
Painted Greenling
Sharp-Nosed Crab
Buried Anemone (2) (3)
Aggregating Anemone
Northern Abalone

New old faces to Cold Sub Aqua Photographs:
Green Sea Urchin
Giant Barnacle (clearer images in feeding stages!) (2)

Also, Cold Water Diver will be moving servers in the next week or so, as it makes the transition from hobby to professional activity! There is also a new movement afoot… so stay tuned.